2m social distancing measures and one-way flows have been implemented where it is reasonably practicable and are marked accordingly through graphical floor displays. Production lines are clearly demarcated.
Production teams have been identified to avoid unnecessary staff rotation. These are referred to as ‘manufacturing bubbles’. Staff can only be rotated between bubbles when staff shortages cause other health and safety hazards e.g. when a lifting exercise requires two people.
Workstations have been moved apart where physically possible and graphical floor signage displays where operatives must stand. Side by side working is permitted for trigger/cap applications and visors are provided as additional PPE.
Seating plans have been implemented within the office to ensure that personnel remain 2M apart. No shared desks are permitted.
High traffic areas are regulated by staggered break times. Break times are clearly displayed on the notice board. Seating within the canteen is marked clearly. The meeting room has been opened in the office as a second canteen and is permitted for use by the blenders and warehouse staff. Additional seating is provided along the side of each building for employees to take breaks outside. Disposable or dedicated cutlery has been provided within the canteen. Staff are encouraged to stay at work during break times. Should employees go out during break times social distancing measures should be followed as advised by the Welsh Government.
Only two people are permitted to use the changing rooms at any time. Lockers are provided for personal belongings. Fabric seating has been swopped for plastic seating for hygiene reasons. Storage has been provided in the office for blenders and warehousing staff and toilet facilities can be used to get changed where required. 2M social distancing measures must be maintained when clocking in/out of the business. These measures are clearly marked on the canteen floor.
The safe walkway through the blending area does not allow for one direction flow. When passing someone on this road please keep furthest to the right and allow people to pass safely.
Cleaning, and the Workspace
Air conditioning units are only permitted for use in the laboratory to maintain stable temperatures for handling chemicals.
Air conditioning units are not permitted for use in other areas. Fans are provided which do not re-circulate air.
A part time cleaner with a cleaning schedule has been implemented to increase the cleaning frequency of commonly used surfaces/work areas.
Line leaders are responsible for cleaning and sanitising their production lines within the demarcated area. Line leaders have been provided with their own cleaning equipment for this purpose.
Desks and shared workstations such as the goods inwards desks and packing tables must be sanitised at each break time using the cleaning products provided. All workstations and desks must be left clear at the end of every shift.
Hand washing facilities and sanitisation stations are provided throughout the factory and clear signage is displayed at all sanitisation/hand washing points. Paper towels are provided at all hand washing points and must be put in the bin after use. Bins are emptied frequently throughout the day.
Sanitisation points must be used when entering any new departments and at break times/end of shift. Each employee has been provided with their own personal alcohol hand gel. This must not be shared. Refill points have been set up.
Visors have been provided for those people who will work within 2M from each other on the packing lines (trigger/cap application). N95 masks are provided for goods inwards/dispatch areas for people who will come into contact with members of the public. 3 ply masks have been provided for people travelling on public transport. Training on the safe use of masks has been provided through tool box talks.
Ongoing engagement with staff will remain through the current channels. Any issues should be directly escalated through line management channels. An online communications meeting is scheduled for each Friday for homeworkers, a meeting is scheduled for all onsite staff on Thursday at 4.45 on the Production Floor. ROH briefing will be circulated in paper copy for onsite workers and via electronic copy for homeworkers each week where they are provided.